Sunday, February 12, 2012

Water Cycle Animation

Water Cycle Animation

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Cool huh? Use this in your classroom, let your students click through the options presented in this animation and they will surely have a lot of fun. They will have a lot of learning.

I remember teaching a second year high school class using the animation above. This section is a notorious section, 53% of the teachers hated them for their behavior. That's 8 out of 15, the 7 techers don't have a class with them.

I let them choose the options in the animation. I discussed, they listened. I asked who wants to try the other questions in the animation and they all raise their hands. They smiled. They focused on the lesson. No quarel, no noise, no talking other things. It was the best day I had with them.

It's not powerpoint. It's flash. The animation above was not made with Powerpoint and it is not a video. Videos are not very interactive. But flash is interactive.

Flash is the same technology used in Facebook games. You've played Farmville, haven't you? Then it's the same as the animation above. Tetris Battle is also flash.

Now I will guide you in using this technology. This next step is the start of something new.

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