Monday, February 13, 2012

Getting To Know Each Other Classroom Activities

In her book Mapping the Mind, Rita Carter (1998) states that the teaching and learning process is all about relationships. In fact, unless this emotional engagement is made, learning will not “stick” positively in the memory (Goleman, 1996; Jensen, 2005; LeDoux, 1996).

In order to form a relationship, clear ground rules need to be established (Prentice, 2007). Because the teacher is the adult, this is the teacher’s responsibility.

Electric Circuits Animation

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

Download this Animation

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Animations Search Tool

Animations Search Tool
by Science Teacher Resources

Enter the topic you want to search in the box...

Note that this will open another tab with Google showing your search results. Right click on the results and choose save link as...

How Animations are Made

How Animations are Made

Interactive animations are made using a software called Macromedia Flash. However, that is now called Adobe Flash because it is now owned by the company Adobe- the same company that owns Photoshop.
You don't need to make your own animations. There are a lot of them in the internet. Almost every topic in high school.

You need to learn how to use them. Complete the following steps:

1. Own a computer or laptop, if that is still a plan, own a USB flash drive

2. Download Adobe Flash Player 9 here.

3. Install Adobe Flash Player. Just double click on what you have downloaded and answer next or yes to every prompt that pops up. It's safe of course, I will bet my christmas bonus.

4. Search for animations of your lessons. It is not that easy to find these animations but there are so many of them. I have put up a list of several animations in the next section and a tool for searching. Go get it.